The Everyday Responder

Episode 8: Q&A - CPAT, Vo2 max & Goodhart's law, training while sick, squatting with long femurs, how many sets in a session, training compliance, & more

Coach Justin McCartney

Today is a first of many Q&A’s, so if you ever have any questions, shoot me a message on:

  • IG: @Everydayresponders (look out for Q&A story polls) 
  • In our Free Skool community

Here are the Q’s we went into detail on: 

  • What are good squat variations for long femurs?
  • Should I be concerned with Vo2 max testing? 
  • How many total sets per full body strength session would you recommend? 
  • What should I do if I can't make it to the gym? 
  • What's your protocol with training while sick? 
  • How to train for the CPAT?

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